A fugitive people within a nation is tyranny.

Hillary Clinton ‘recognizes’ that many states’ child support guidelines are excessive, noting:
“Child support payments can represent half of [low-income] men’s income, and can provide a strong incentive to work in the underground economy.”

Hillary Clinton’s Youth Opportunity Agenda

Hillary Clinton’s Youth Opportunity Fact Sheet

It’s strange how nobody seems to remember that Hillary and her husband Bill are largely responsible for the current state of affairs in child support legislation. The Clinton Administration, with the capable help of Hillary and Donna Shalala made certain that they breathed federal enforcement lifeblood into the democratically-sponsored Bradley Amendment of 1986. This federal law that violates state rights assigned by the Constitution and civil rights is the reason the low-income fathers are in trouble. They certainly can’t negotiate and probably can’t afford to hire the legal help required. So now Mrs. Clinton cares? Does she have a guilty conscience? Doubtless. Perhaps she has performed some legal magic in her latest plans with a backlash against the very ones she claims to want to help. Previous evidence supports this interpretation.

Comments on: "Hillary Clinton Proposes Reforming Child Support" (1)

  1. bob corbett said:

    I have a problem I need to have Massachusett do an audit my children were adopted without my consent and they would not adjust my child support please help me they say the arrear are over 100k which I do not owe they give me the run around and the state refyuses to help me settle this

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