A fugitive people within a nation is tyranny.

Posts tagged ‘Obama’

Obama: Church Shouldn’t Focus on Protecting the Unborn & Marriage

by Barry Silver

666 the prezA couple of weeks ago President Obama took part in a panel discussion on poverty at Georgetown University where he launched into an attack on the focus of the Christian church in America. I’m not certain what makes him an expert exactly. I know he claims to be a constitutional law attorney. Funny though, the prez and the first lady were both attorneys, disbarred by the State of Illinois. Why is an attorney disbarred? An attorney is disbarred because of conduct unbecoming. It’s like being a soldier and being dishonorably discharged.

obsequious moderatorThe prez said that his comments were based on his “own Christian faith.” The panel was moderated by a famous Washington liberal, so the panel gravitated to praising the left while attacking the right when it comes to poverty. No discussion was made about the disparity in charitable giving between red and blue states, but simply to the fact that conservatives didn’t believe the government should be used for charity, while the left believes the government should be the main source of charity. Obama criticized churches for how they engage politically, focusing on “divisive issues” such as protecting life and preserving marriage.

“The president argued last week that churches would gain more followers if they embraced the “powerful” idea of helping those in poverty. “I think it would be powerful for our faith-based organizations to speak out on [poverty] in a more forceful fashion,” he said.

The president also said that advocating the redistribution of wealth is “vital to following what Jesus Christ, our Savior, talked about.”

More often, he engaged in double-speak like this:

“When it comes to what are you really going to the mat for, what’s the defining issue, when you’re talking in your congregations, what’s the thing that is really going to capture the essence of who we are as Christians, or as Catholics, or what have you, [poverty] is oftentimes viewed as a nice to have, relative to an issue like abortion.”

homelessThe ignorance of the president knows few bounds. To imply that ending poverty should be of greater concern to Christians than ending the holocaust of innocent lives through the eugenics of abortion is repulsive. All you hear liberals talk about is human rights until it comes down to actually considering what those rights are. Essentially, the unborn have no rights because they don’t have the capacity to vote.

burningrightsinternetMen don’t have rights either. They can vote, but they’ve been emasculated unless they want to tow the Washington line. The state can rob and plunder anyway it pleases. It sees itself as Robin Hood, especially as the champion of the children that it wants to own. It does this fully through single mothers. It champions the Bradley Amendment. It robs from parents and tolerates the church – for now. Government wants your faith. The church is simply poor competition. By deduction, Christians are pains in the arses to compete with the state in any way. Prez knows best.

dad-slaveryAs far as same-sex marriage goes, homosexuality is just another sin, conveniently listed among those sins, of which Yahweh says that no man or woman will enter His Kingdom. Many churches are already on a wide road to destruction according to scripture, but that’s another topic beyond the stupidity and corruptibility of American leaders and obsequious stone-headed church leaders. What a real Christian would best do isn’t covered much in public.

Child Support: How States Should Respond

by Jim Goeppner

burning the constitutionFor a variety of reasons, until this year, Idaho and 29 other states had not adopted the changes to the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act, released in 2010. No child support payments have been at risk.

Until this year only the EU, Norway, Ukraine, Bosnia, Albania and Herzegovina have ratified the Hague Convention. No child support payments have been at risk.

President Obama has said that he will sign the convention when all 50 states have approved the changes to the UIFSA. After five years the Obama administration has decided that any states that do not adopt the changes this year will lose their funding.

obamas new dealIt seems obvious to me that the government is threatening child support payments to force states to comply with UIFSA so that the president can sign the Hague Convention while he is still in office. The proper way for governors of a sovereign state to react would be to notify the president that since there is no indication that child support payments would be in danger whether or not the

UIFSA is signed this year, they will seek an injunction to halt withholding of federal funds until their concerns are addressed. Will they do it?


Obama & New Police Reform

reposted from Canada Free Press by Moody Jim Rathbone

Obama police flagMayors and city councils—in office largely courtesy of public apathy—are President Barack Obama’s boots on the ground in the ongoing, carefully orchestrated racial riots coming soon to a city near you. In their bid to rescue America from total Marxist eclipse, patriots, as it turns out, have been knocking on the wrong door.

Republicans, who surrendered to the Democrats even after taking over House and Senate in last Midterm elections, have no dog in the racial riots in Ferguson, Baltimore and other cities, but Mayor Stephanie Rowlings-Blake, who ordered a police stand down in Baltimore, and a bevy of other Democrat mayors, do.

With the undercover help of activist municipal mayors and councils, Obama seeks not to reform the nation’s police—but to totally replace them.

obamas new dealWhile diverting public attention by snubbing senators, and overriding both Constitution and Congress, Obama is now hammering the final nail in the Fundamental Transformation of America coffin.

It’s a mission aided and abetted by mercenary ‘civil rights‘ activists Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, and one largely conducted out of sight with White House help.

Local civic elections consistently have the lowest voter turnout, yet represent the level of government that poses the biggest threat to liberty and freedom. It is through complicit mayors and councils that the United Nations has been able to forge the road to Agenda 21 for all of Western society. here

As incredible as it may seem, it is with the cooperation of municipal politicians that Obama will get to replace every police force in the United States with a more military styled one that is answerable only to him.

Baltimore riots 1‘We the People’ should have seen Baltimore and Ferguson coming on July 2, 2008, when Obama boasted in Colorado Springs, CO:  “We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

Most assumed he was talking about the military, which he soon began to hollow out.

Few realized the most anti-American president ever elected had his sight fixed on replacing thousands of police forces across the country, whose job it has always been to keep the public peace, with his own military-style police.

It’s the return of Fidel Castro, only this time in America.

By ridding the nation of its traditional police forces, Obama and his army of activist municipal politicians will be tossing into the trash can first responders who happen to wear the Serve & Protect badge.

Getting there has been Marxist Community organizing all the way.

Scott-police-fatal-shootingFirst came the smear job spreading the fallacy that police deliberately profile only young blacks, and are addicted to the habit of randomly shooting them. Marxist propaganda leaves the disingenuous impression that racist rogue cops dominate most police forces.

Within days of the Baltimore riots, Obama made it clear he wouldn’t be surveying the damage; wouldn’t be lifting a finger to call for calm.

He didn’t have to with the mayor doing his dirty work.

Baltimore riot policeOne hundred police officers were injured in the Baltimore riots. Businesses up and running only the day before were left in burnt-out rubble, facts carelessly written off by Obama.

Obama’s reaction to what’s going on in Baltimore has been expressed in words as casual as they are well crafted:

“The communities in Baltimore that are having these problems now are no different from the communities in Chicago when I first started working” as a community organizer, Obama said. “I’ve seen this movie too many times before.” (National Journal, April 29, 2015)

The difference now is that it’s Obama directing the racial riot movie.

With the Republicans snoozing at the switch, and most unsuspecting folk not knowing that Obama’s boots on the ground are the municipalities, what’s going to stop him from accomplishing his latest mission?

debtor's prison - tyrannyObama counts on the same kind of apathy that dogs municipal elections about racial riots that are being staged, right down to including outside protesters being rushed in to the scene of the riots.

Like in televised episodes of Hill Street Blues, when the Black Arrows, Shamrocks and Los Diablos came together when there was something in it for them, the Bloods, the Crips and the Nation of Islam came together in Baltimore.

That coming together of the three parties was unprecedented.

Yet, instead of asking why the Bloods, the Crips and the Nation of Islam would come together during the Baltimore riots, Rowlings-Blake thanked the Nation of Islam.

Talk show radio giant and patriot Mark Levin points out that Rowlings-Blake was in constant touch with chief Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett throughout the riots.

gas canBy throwing gasoline on the racial discord gathering steam in American cities, is Obama sending a message to America’s foreign enemies that the U.S. is now at its most vulnerable for a strike?

Are internet commenters like Richard Jackson who posits: “I think the riots are simply programming people to get used to a military presence (instead of police) and curfews, etc. for something bigger later on”, on the right track?

Should edgy folk be watching the Jade Helm 15 large-scale military exercise to be played out from July 15 to November 15, across seven states, with thousands of locals “participating or role playing in the exercise” wearing I.D. markings be watching the military instead of passively letting the military watch them?

Meanwhile, speaking to a group of schoolchildren at the Anacostia Library in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, Obama said he might return to community organizing.

In truth, his plans to nationalize America’s police forces, prove he’s never left it.


police Baltimore letter

The Ruler Sees Himself as Absolute

barack obama

By Dr. Laurie Roth
February 17, 2012

The Coliseum is turning on the lights. Attendants have their popcorn and sodas ready. The stands are packed with distracted and thrilled onlookers awaiting ‘the battle of Gods.’ The watchers know this will be a blood bath and a gooey entertainment fest like never before. Who are the players who will delight the crowd? First we have ‘Christians and Jews’ and those dangerous ‘Constitutionalists’ on one side. Look, they are behaving just like King Obama said – holding their Bibles and being ‘bitter clingers.’ On the other side, are the leaders of Islam, sharia law and global elitism. These are headed by their savior King Obama.

In special, heated box seats I see the UN and Muslim leadership from the 57 Muslim countries. In another box next door, painted in streaks of bright colors are all the unemployed movie stars and wanna be terrorists such as William Ayers, Bernadine Dorn, who obsessively stand with Palestine and anyone attacking Israel. Next to them by the Pop machine are the traitorous sell out media and leftist Political leaders who routinely sell out America and march her toward the new Holocaust – the control and eradication of Christians who support the Constitution and Jews who just won’t go away.

The stage has been set for our demise. 72 FEMA camps have been activated. The NDAA Bill has been voted into law, launched by Marxist posers – John McCain and Carl Levin. We all know this by now, but this gives Obama the power to seize any American using our military at any time. He can grab us without charges, without a trial and hold us indefinitely on anything he can dream up.

None of this is new. The pattern established by Hitler is simply being copied by Obama and his thugs. Remember, Obama is the teleprompter King. He copies his heroes, Saul Alinski, Hitler and other dictators. He also obeys what his handlers tell him, global elitists and Islamic leaders.

Adolph Hitler wrenched Democracy and freedom from Germany’s hands with ‘Hitler’s Enabling Act’ voted legally into law, March 23, 1933. It was also called ‘Law for Removing the Distress of the People and the Reich.’ You may recall that Hitler had the Nazis burned down the Reichstag German Government building so they could create enough panic to get the votes for Hitler’s enabling act. He blamed the Communists for the deed and people believed him. That was the end of democracy and freedom in Germany.

In a similar fashion we have seen the NDAA law slaughter our Constitution and rights. It has given our President total power over the people and the legal ability to use military force to assault and detain us for a trumped up reason. Responding to the signing of the NDAA Bill, Obama stated he would never abuse the power. GOP front runner Mitt Romney also a supporter of this bill said he would never abuse the power due to his character.

Listen to the words of another famous person, Adolph Hitler. Right before the vote for Hitler’s Enabling Act, Hitler made a speech to the Reichstag where he pledged restraint and use of power. “The government will make use of these power only insofar as they are essential for carrying out vitally necessary measures….The number of cases in which an internal necessity exists for having recourse to such a law is in itself a limited one.” These were the actual words of Hitler to the Reichstag.

Hitler promised a ton of lies before the vote. He promised an end to unemployment and said he would promote peace with France, Great Britain and the Soviet Union. Hitler and the Nazis were part of the ‘Green’ environmental agenda and supportive of national health care as Obama is.

We have a usurper as President whose world view is one also of transforming America into a Marxist/Communist regime. From the beginning the signs were everywhere that we had a tyrant for a President. Don’t forget that Obama and Michelle were supportive of and at flag burning events and stated publicly before Obama was elected how they hated America. In fact Michelle said she only started to love America after Obama was elected. Obama constantly has surrounded himself with Communists, anti American and anti Jewish colleagues and employees. His actions from day one have been against Jews, Christians, conservatives, our Constitution and against God himself.

Obama will not willfully give up his power. He has more to finish here and abroad. I predict, as the months unfold toward Election Day 2012 that Internet, conservative journals and speech will be greatly diminished. This will be a financial attack, regulation attack and set of contrived legal attacks. Talk radio and conservative commentators will also be attacked and silenced.

Watch for contrived and invented threats to attack parts of America, while the Russians are blamed……oh yeah, that was Hitler. I mean, while the American Christians and conservatives are blamed. George Soros has predicted riots in the streets in America. The Occupy Wall street groups did plenty of damage but it wasn’t quite the ace of destruction Obama needed to start falsely identifying dangerous people and groups. Watch out for bold attacks aimed at national Tea Party groups and leaders; Watch out for Pastors to be arrested for preaching from The Holy Bible and not editing their speech; Eventually as in the days of ancient Rome, Christians will be considered the enemy of the Government since we won’t submit to falsely turning people in, abandoning freedom of Religion and speech. These assaults and threats are already happening and unfolding.

We are seeing Obama war with the Catholic Church and Christian faith. His healthcare mandate intends to force churches and religious organizations to provide abortion drugs and supportive products. They and insurance plans will also have to provide surgical sterilization. There is no place in our Constitution where insurance companies and Religious groups can be forced to pay for abortion services and products. Yet, this President, who hates the Constitution just continues to ignore it as he takes bold leaps forward into his beloved new and improved, Fascist America.

We have a President who is demanding the nation pay for abortions regardless of our beliefs. If we let him, he will start forcing assisted suicide to all who are disabled, medically too expensive or just too old to contribute anymore. Remember, this was already done in one of the most civilized countries on earth, Germany. We are watching it unfold right before our eyes in America. History MUST NOT repeat itself.

Those of you who love our Constitution, freedoms, Judeo Christian values and heritage, understand that you are on a growing enemy list. ‘Bitter clingers’ that you are…..buy more guns, Bibles and ammo now. Don’t ever agree to give your guns or neighbors up. Pray hard for your country and get behind Patriot Conservatives everywhere. Boot the sold out establishment out, whether Democrat or Republican. Don’t ever submit to forced Health care and controls of the IRS anywhere near your health, life and accounts. Don’t ever submit to authorities arresting you in the middle of the night. Demand the repeal of NDAA and everything else Obama has touched and voted into law.

Executive Order Alters Your Legal Protections

barack obamaWith the signing of an under-publicized amendment to Executive Order 12425, Barack Obama has fundamentally altered your constitutional rights. His actions are undermining your rights to protect personal privacy from a foreign internationalist police agency named Interpol. A one-paragraph executive order may seem inconsequential to many, but this action has far reaching implications and threatens the sovereignty of America.

Obama’s secretive Executive Order amended an order issued by President Reagan in 1983. Reagan’s order recognized Interpol as an International Organization and gave it privileges and immunities commonly extended to foreign diplomats. Reagan opened the door to allow Interpol to operate in partnership with the U.S. but with significant constitutional safeguards. Specifically, Interpol’s property and assets remained subject to search and seizure by American law enforcement, and its archived records remained subject to public scrutiny under provisions of the Freedom of Information Act. Interpol had to answer to the FBI and U.S. courts under Reagan’s order. These safeguards were stripped away by Obama’s action the week before Christmas without debate or explanation. Obama picked the holiday season to make this radical change to minimize media coverage.

This order marks a significant change in federal policy and usurps the constitutional power of our government by yielding it to an international organization. Michael van Der Galien writes, “This foreign law enforcement organization can operate free of an important safeguard against government and abuse. Property and assets, including the organization’s records, cannot now be searched or seized. Their physical operational locations are now immune from U.S. legal and investigative authorities.”

Obama has given an international organization unsupervised freedom to investigate Americans on our own soil without recourse or the supervision of our own government.

Andy McCarthy writing for the National Review asks some very significant questions: “Why would we elevate an international police force above American law? Why would we immunize an international police force from the limitations that constrain the FBI and other American law-enforcement agencies? Why is it suddenly necessary to have, within the Justice Department, a repository for stashing government files which, therefore, will be beyond the ability of Congress, American law-enforcement, the media, and the American people to scrutinize?”

Interpol is the enforcement arm of the International Criminal Court (ICC). The United States never signed onto the Rome Treaty which created the ICC because of the potential for abuse by foreign interests. Obama has signaled he may sign the treaty over these objections and subject Americans to prosecution overseas in the ICC. This is harmful for two reasons. First, the U.S. Constitution clearly states that it is the supreme law of our land and allowing the ICC to supersede the U.S. Constitution violates America’s sovereignty. Second, the War on Terror is unpopular with Europeans and the ICC may attempt to prosecute heroic American soldiers with trumped up war crimes. Obama is putting brave American men and women at grave risk.

An added wrinkle to this executive order is that Interpol’s operations center for the United States is housed within our own Justice Department. Many of the agents are Americans who work under the aegis of Interpol. This order has potentially created the new civilian security force that Obama proposed during his campaign. This group of law enforcement officials is no longer subject to the restraints enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.

The order guarantees that Interpol officers have immunity from prosecution for crimes they may commit in the United States. Ironically, some Interpol nations are attempting to try American intelligence agents for their work abroad in the War on Terror.

This order shows blatant disregard for the U.S. Constitution. While Obama is extending due process rights to terrorists he is weakening those same rights for American citizens. If a citizen were to be prosecuted by Interpol their newly granted immunity would interfere with the discovery process. Since Interpol files are immune to disclosure, a citizen could be denied his right to see the information used to prosecute him or her.

Obama’s executive order has done more to weaken civil liberties than the much maligned Patriot Act. The silence in the mainstream media on this issue should scare all freedom loving Americans. Obama just signed away parts of our precious legal protections.

from Town Hall

Fair Child Support: The Audacity of Hope

Not a few of us have come to personally wonder, even mourn the loss of our true national identity. The personal identity of Americans is even more challenged. We have come to a place of oppression and circumstances over which we have no control, but we are going to have it all rubbed in our faces by oppressive law and unfettered government application. Mistakes aren’t permitted unless you have influence and a hefty bank account. Justice is bought and sold like a revel at Bourbon Street. It’s cheapened the nation and weakened the fabric of society instead of strengthening it. We are a nation that encourages vile and predatory behaviors which reject the core of what builds and strengthens the strong nations of the past for the rhetoric of despots that seek to wield unlimited power.

But …social conservatives…want a return to a bygone era, in which sexuality outside of marriage was subject to both punishment and shame, obtaining a divorce was far more difficult, and marriage offered not merely personal fulfillment but also well-defined social roles for men and for women. In their view, any government policy that appears to reward or even express neutrality toward what they consider to be immoral behavior whether providing birth control to young people, abortion services to women, welfare support for unwed mothers, or legal recognition of same-sex unions-inherently devalues the marital bond. Such policies take us one step closer, the argument goes, to a brave new world in which gender differences have been erased, sex is purely recreational, marriage is disposable, motherhood is an inconvenience, and civilization itself rests on shifting sands.

In this missive posted in his book Audacity of Hope, Barack Obama pretends to be reasonable by acknowledging the feelings of the opposition. He spends a chapter acknowledging the beauty of the Constitution, while dismissing it for something better, likely because of his status as a attorney that specializes in constitutional law. Instead, he talks around it as if to say, the Constitution is nice to study and a great document to thump on when you want to make a point, but it is a quaint tool of the past. Too bad the nation didn’t read his books before they voted him into office, not that it really matters anyway. John McCain, with ties to banking fraud, wasn’t a better choice, just a different one. Presidents have become cheerleaders of what sounds good while allowing Congress to pass predatory legislation without so much as a wimper. They have become complicit with the criminals that pretend to protect the nation.

Many politicians say that they see life as an issue of sexual behavior instead of the ability to maintain relationships, which government is loathe to do. It reinforces the negative instead of the good. It lies and distorts for the powerful and well-to-do. It favors mothers over fathers based on the timeworn models that it seeks to reject through the politics of empowerment. It has transferred this evil to divorced or rejected non-custodial parents. They are simply work horses that will sustain the children of the state as the elite look after their own interests.

“But all in all, I have little sympathy for those who would enlist the government in the task of enforcing sexual morality. Like most Americans, I consider decisions about sex, marriage, divorce, and childbearing to be highly personal-at the very core of our system of individual liberty. Where such personal decisions raise the prospect of significant harm to others-as is true with child abuse, incest, bigamy, domestic violence, or failure to pay child support-society has a right and duty to step in. (Those who believe in the personhood of the fetus would put abortion in this category.) Beyond that, I have no interest in seeing the president, Congress, or a government bureaucracy regulating what goes on in America’s bedrooms.

Moreover, I don’t believe we strengthen the family by bullying or coercing people into the relationships we think are best for them-or by punishing those who fail to meet our standards of sexual propriety. I want to encourage young people to show more reverence toward sex and intimacy, and I applaud parents, congregations, and community programs that transmit that message. But I’m not willing to consign a teenage girl to a lifetime of struggle because of lack of access to birth control. I want couples to understand the value of commitment and the sacrifices marriage entails. But I’m not willing to use the force of law to keep couples together regardless of their personal circumstances.” – (Audacity of Hope, Barack Obama, page 335)

No Mr. Obama, instead we bully them after the fact with law that only the most wealthy can manage. In the article “Deviance and Society in Child Support Law,” I detail how behavior has been stigmatized and grouped into types of addicted behavior. Politics ignores the truth about its’ role in the process as it seeks the “common good,” pretending to be above all matters of humanity. It treats single mothers and their children as wards of the state and celebrates its’ role in the matter. It treats fathers as workhorses, slaves which must forever pay for the mistakes of the relationship without due process and the standards that built the nation. Remember that these standards only apply to criminal law. The possibility of innocence only applies to criminals, but not to the non-custodial parent of children that the  government owns.

Family law has carefully been maintained as civil law, the law of lying ex-spouses and courthouse escapades, even though the non-custodial behavior has been criminalized in a world without the assurance of justice on any level. Judges can’t stand the irreverent carping of the ‘human trash’ they serve. Government has sanctioned the same predatory behavior in families and relationships that it holds as precious in its worldview of control. Manipulation has become the reality of all relationships, while soft words such a diversity and peace are espoused. They sell the virtues of sacrifice without possessing that virtue. Diversity and peace are the watchwords of society, as that society is gripped by social engineers that claim “common good.” We don’t need society. Government is the holder of punishment and shame.

You know the solution. Be a good slave, stay employed at all costs in the name of fear and don’t make waves- or face the consequences. Economics don’t matter, nor does unemployment. Good men and women know what they have to do. Playing into the system isn’t necessarily the best answer. Otherwise, there isn’t even the audacity of hope, the kind of hope that President Obama claims to live by.

Creative Commons License
Fair Child Support: The Audacity of Hope by E.J. Manning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://bradleyamendment.wordpress.com.

Unemployment: Child Support Time Bomb

America is facing a crisis as a record number of unemployed non-custodial parents face the reality of the system enforced by the Bradley Amendment.

Unemployment: Child Support Time Bomb on Associated Content


We have supplied basic tools and links on this website to help you contact lawmakers and more information regarding child support and the law, whatever that may be.

Clinton Millionaire to be labeled a Deadbeat?

A bill for a Clinton Campaign appearance at UC Davis in January remains unpaid. UC Davis is moving the debt to collections. Ms. Clinton has not covered the campaign debt and media pundits have not pounced. Neither John McCain nor Barack Obama has said two words about the “accounting oversight”. The time may be at hand.

The expense is reported as $11,112 topped by security, cleanup and marching band expenses. When the Clinton campaign press office was called and reminded about the debt, the campaign refused to return calls.

UC Davis is planning to put its final bill out this week, and if the debt has not been settled within a month, they are going to turn the matter over to a collection agency. The appearance of former president Bill Clinton attracted 7500 people to the audience.

The appearance was designed as an outreach to young voters, a demographic that put Senator Obama over the top in Iowa. “America is not a race. America is not a creed. America is not even a place. America is an idea and you all are a part of it,” noted former president Bill Clinton.

Ms. Clinton has plenty of campaign expenses and the fact remains that this expense could have been overlooked. The public won’t overlook the oversight for long. Despite the fact that Ms. Clinton has been lagging in the contributions department somewhat, she has plenty of net worth to cover this debt. It would be better for the nation’s candidate “millionairess” to handle this debt before she is publicly labeled as a “deadbeat”.

Considering that she has already put this label on plenty of impoverished men in the past that have had trouble paying their child support, the deadbeat label being attached to Hillary Clinton is a tidy bit of poetic justice.

Beware of Secretive Politicians

Some politicians have an open door policy to their constituents and seek a balanced approach to their office. Other politicians prefer to work in secret and bolster their own private interests exclusively. These secretive politicians may claim to seek to greater good with bills and laws that fly in the face of Constitutional Law out of the desire for “reform” or a measure of “greater good”. You can seek out the public record pretty easily, but this process is still time consuming and fraught with details. Repeal Bradley is working on solving that problem with a new news feature coming soon so that you will know what your favorite politician is voting on behind-the-scenes.

This video appears to be about Hillary Clinton. The reality is that this video is about secretive behavior, agendas and behavior that many politicians adopt to get what they want. It is up to the citizens of the United States to elect quality and qualified leaders in government. Please watch this video in that light.