A fugitive people within a nation is tyranny.

Posts tagged ‘responsible’

Father’s Day – Money Is The Measure, Not Freedom

by J. Greene

dad-and-sonMen have been honestly caring for their children from the beginnings of civilization. Some have not, including mothers. It has always been that way. We don’t live in a perfect world. Enter the modern state in all its’ wisdom, where all people are expected to tolerate a state-controlled legalized extortion racket because children are the future – but mostly for benefit of the state. The state even routinely combs through bank records in the eternal vanity of finding a few stray bucks from those that dare to evade child support collection. It’s an old game whose influence has steadily increased since the free love movement, when rancorous feminists began burning their bras and politicians saw the political cache they could achieve through social manipulation. As a result, the real role of fatherhood and the definition of a family has been continually cheapened.

stress single motherIn the corporation known as the United States, the system routinely oppresses fathers, while offering poverty support to single and divorced mothers (and some fathers). They have also been oppressing the taxpayer as well, hoping and pretending to bring in more than they spend, even as they send state corporations double their child support collections. Only the light-headed politicians of the United States would think to do such a thing. Of course, these are the same men and women that fund operations as the “policeman of world” while playing “Uncle Sugar” to the world. They even continue to send China a regular stipend because of its’ poverty, while running a burgeoning deficit that the children of the future are expected to pay. This is obviously unsustainable, despite the fact that they indirectly operate the printing presses that prop up the reserve currency of the world. In fact, this is the only reason that the lawmakers that rule “Uncle Sugar” can continue to operate as they have. The nation as it stands is living on borrowed time.

Since money is the measure in the propaganda that is cast about, you’ll find that fatherhood is measured the same way. This is no surprise in a nation mesmerized by the illusion of wealth. Social scientists at Johns Hopkins have decided that low income fathers purchase a relationship with their children.

baby money“They want their kids to look down at their feet and say, ‘My dad cares about me because he bought me these shoes,’” says a co-author of the study in a press statement. “We need to respect what these guys are doing, linking love and provision in a way that’s meaningful to the child. The child support system weakens the child/father bond by separating the act of love from the act of providing.”

Yet, the child support system plugs along mercilessly despite a nation of earners that has not truly recovered from the economic debacle that eclipsed in 2008. Untold millions have been crushed, merely grist for the mill of poor governance. Republicans claim that we must find a way to be fiscally responsible, while supporting the current child support system that imprisons the nation. This is a lie pressed to ignorant people. They simply support the status quo with the illusion of conservative values. Their buddies are merely more “progressive.” Meanwhile, the men that give their blind consent can choose to pretend they are purchasing the adoration of their children, as these social scientists say, or they can realize the truth.

mom-stressThe family is only a family as long as the family unit is together. Once breached by rejection, separation and divorce, a family is not a family at all – especially outside of a committed relationship. That a single mother and her child is a real family is also debatable. The “wise men” of the nation have simply continued to revise the definition of the family to suit their needs. That is the deeper reality that the state would have you ignore to your continued peril. It benefits them for you to believe as you do.

It has been posited that the “Founding Fathers” would turn over in their graves if they were able to know about the ongoing debt slavery and legalized human trafficking that is the United States. I think not. These men were fully aware of the hypocrisy that “America” was built on. The governance of the nation has profited from the slavery and oppression of others from the very beginning with little apology, or admission of error. The lawgivers have even reconfigured the corporation to enslave for personal advantage. Robber barons everywhere continue the public plunder under the pretense of propriety and a kind face when it suits them. Your consent is your ignorance. Even governance is just another corporation. They seduce “the people” with infrastructure and social trinkets. The propaganda machine has continued to eject that notion that the nation is a democracy, the “land of the free.” Who the “free” truly are is for you to decide.


“Deadbeat Dad” Ordered Not To Have Children

daddyRight or wrong? Some say that creating more children is your God-given human right. But when you’re having a pile of kids with a bunch of women, that not only means you’re a walking STD time bomb, it also means that you’re irresponsible. A man in Wisconsin has fallen behind on his child support after having nine kids with six different women. This prompted the judge to tell the man that he cannot have anymore kids until he shows that he can provide for them.

Corey Curtis owes almost $100,000 in back child support, according to prosecutors in Racine, Wisconsin. Judge Tim Boyle told the highly fertile 44-year old man that he is disappointed that he doesn’t have the authority to order him sterilized, since he keeps having kids that he can’t and won’t take care of.

“Common sense dictates you shouldn’t have kids you can’t afford,” the judge said.

Assistant District Attorney Rebecca Sommers told the judge that he could do something to help keep Curtis from populating half the earth. She cited a 2001 case in the Wisconsin Supreme Court where the judge ruled that the defendant was not allowed to have children until he could prove that he was able to take care of them financially.

“I will make that a condition of the probation,” Boyle said. He then gave Curtis three years of probation. This means that if he has anymore children during his many nights of hot, random lovemaking with women who won’t make him wear a condom, he’s going to end up in jail.

“Judges, they make rulings,” Curtis said to WDJT-TV, “they make them kind of hastily. So, if that’s what he feels one of my conditions should be then I’m going to abide by it.”

The court ruled in the original case that the man’s Constitutional rights are not violated because he can still have kids as long as he pays child support. Some say that allowing judges to decide who can and cannot reproduce is a civil liberties problem. But others might say that Curtis, with nine children of his own, has done enough reproducing for a lifetime. This also fails to mention that his children are bound to suffer from the poor choices of their parents.

Find out more about the United Nations protocol for children and the Bradley Amendment on this website.

Are You A Victim of Exploitation?

Government Exploitation: Dads Are Dead Broke

Bradley Amendment Creates an American Subclass of Poverty

original article posted by Bo Watkin

“Obama Care, Disability & Child Support”: Time to Rare Up America

stack of toads

It’s long overdue to do something useful. Americans sit like a stack of toads as their personal Constitutional rights are stripped away from them. In a time of unprecedented national and financial crisis, the federal and state governments work diligently to concoct kangaroo courts in the name of collecting child support from indigent and jobless members of society. It’s extortion of the populace on a grand scale to support an out of control element of American society in the name of child worship and responsibility.

If you have managed to live through life-changing illness into the land of disability, you are a target ripe for plucking and harassment. You are likely to lose your license if you still have managed to keep a car and you won’t be able to get to the doctor to take care of yourself, unless you have someone to help you. Friend, that better be because you need friends, real ones.

Once a little government disability cash starts to roll, if you owe on a school loan, the U.S. Treasury will be after your butt post-haste. It wasn’t enough for a judge to certify you as disabled, and never mind that the government has all records they need to show a scant touch of mercy without continuing to put you through hell. Then again, if you are disabled, you can take matters into your own hands and have your doctor sign off on your life changing condition, thus nullifying the callous efforts of the Education Department. If you find yourself in this space of life, you’d better get moving while you can since they are likely to close any loophole that could benefit the poor, oppressed and indigent in America. Get started.

That still doesn’t solve the problem with the kangaroo courts, who are happy to try you in your absence, since you probably can’t get to court. Even if you could, you are destined for a shellacking. They hold all the cards. It’s called lawful extortion, more of what nations, kings and governments have been doing throughout history because they have the authority to do as they please. You, Mr. and Mrs. America, are slaves, serfs to that reality. Let’s face it. The land of free and home of the brave is no different from any dictator element of any third world oppressor. The American kangaroo court system that claims to worship children flies in the face any ideal for human rights. They pretend that they are legislating morality and honor, while none exists.

That is the nation that we live in. What are going to do about it? Can you pick up a pen and write a corrupt Congress? Sure you can! Make them feel your wrath while you still have the freedom to do so! Can you stop multitudes of cheap whores from taking down hard-working Americans that deserve better? (Yes, a whoredom has little to do with sex, it’s a lifestyle, a way of life!) Of course, you can!

tired and pissed

Remember that making men responsible for children is big business. Making women responsible is far less profitable. The political pay back for “responsibility” is huge except that the very people preaching are beyond moral bankruptcy. It’s Elmer Gantry preaching to the simpleton hordes. But you have to decide to do something outside of sitting around in a heap and feeling sorry for yourself.

Tough times call for tough solutions. Congress and the new America need to be in their rightful place or you and every man, woman and child will forever be enslaved to a system that is out of control, with only itself to feed. The nation is on a path to self-destruction as it decimates families and supports bad attitudes. The system does nothing for children except to make them less than what are. Shame on the United States!

Creative Commons License
Obama Care, Disability & Child Support by E.J. Manning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://bradleyamendment.wordpress.com.