A fugitive people within a nation is tyranny.

Posts tagged ‘Uncle Sam’

Father’s Day – Money Is The Measure, Not Freedom

by J. Greene

dad-and-sonMen have been honestly caring for their children from the beginnings of civilization. Some have not, including mothers. It has always been that way. We don’t live in a perfect world. Enter the modern state in all its’ wisdom, where all people are expected to tolerate a state-controlled legalized extortion racket because children are the future – but mostly for benefit of the state. The state even routinely combs through bank records in the eternal vanity of finding a few stray bucks from those that dare to evade child support collection. It’s an old game whose influence has steadily increased since the free love movement, when rancorous feminists began burning their bras and politicians saw the political cache they could achieve through social manipulation. As a result, the real role of fatherhood and the definition of a family has been continually cheapened.

stress single motherIn the corporation known as the United States, the system routinely oppresses fathers, while offering poverty support to single and divorced mothers (and some fathers). They have also been oppressing the taxpayer as well, hoping and pretending to bring in more than they spend, even as they send state corporations double their child support collections. Only the light-headed politicians of the United States would think to do such a thing. Of course, these are the same men and women that fund operations as the “policeman of world” while playing “Uncle Sugar” to the world. They even continue to send China a regular stipend because of its’ poverty, while running a burgeoning deficit that the children of the future are expected to pay. This is obviously unsustainable, despite the fact that they indirectly operate the printing presses that prop up the reserve currency of the world. In fact, this is the only reason that the lawmakers that rule “Uncle Sugar” can continue to operate as they have. The nation as it stands is living on borrowed time.

Since money is the measure in the propaganda that is cast about, you’ll find that fatherhood is measured the same way. This is no surprise in a nation mesmerized by the illusion of wealth. Social scientists at Johns Hopkins have decided that low income fathers purchase a relationship with their children.

baby money“They want their kids to look down at their feet and say, ‘My dad cares about me because he bought me these shoes,’” says a co-author of the study in a press statement. “We need to respect what these guys are doing, linking love and provision in a way that’s meaningful to the child. The child support system weakens the child/father bond by separating the act of love from the act of providing.”

Yet, the child support system plugs along mercilessly despite a nation of earners that has not truly recovered from the economic debacle that eclipsed in 2008. Untold millions have been crushed, merely grist for the mill of poor governance. Republicans claim that we must find a way to be fiscally responsible, while supporting the current child support system that imprisons the nation. This is a lie pressed to ignorant people. They simply support the status quo with the illusion of conservative values. Their buddies are merely more “progressive.” Meanwhile, the men that give their blind consent can choose to pretend they are purchasing the adoration of their children, as these social scientists say, or they can realize the truth.

mom-stressThe family is only a family as long as the family unit is together. Once breached by rejection, separation and divorce, a family is not a family at all – especially outside of a committed relationship. That a single mother and her child is a real family is also debatable. The “wise men” of the nation have simply continued to revise the definition of the family to suit their needs. That is the deeper reality that the state would have you ignore to your continued peril. It benefits them for you to believe as you do.

It has been posited that the “Founding Fathers” would turn over in their graves if they were able to know about the ongoing debt slavery and legalized human trafficking that is the United States. I think not. These men were fully aware of the hypocrisy that “America” was built on. The governance of the nation has profited from the slavery and oppression of others from the very beginning with little apology, or admission of error. The lawgivers have even reconfigured the corporation to enslave for personal advantage. Robber barons everywhere continue the public plunder under the pretense of propriety and a kind face when it suits them. Your consent is your ignorance. Even governance is just another corporation. They seduce “the people” with infrastructure and social trinkets. The propaganda machine has continued to eject that notion that the nation is a democracy, the “land of the free.” Who the “free” truly are is for you to decide.


A Welfare Nation Created by Broken Homes

by Marshall Frank

Insanity definition: “Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

kangaroo courtIn a perfect world, all children would grow up in secure, loving families with a mom and dad, good role models and plenty of love. Alas, the world is not perfect. And the less perfect it becomes, the worse it is for all of us, not only those who are trapped into despair, poverty and neglect.

Kids who come from broken homes are lucky to have parents who still talk to each other, who love and care for the child, and who support, educate and meet psychological needs. Too often that’s not the case. Some fathers abandon their duty-bound responsibilities. Why? Because they can.

dollar bondageA 2012 study of deadbeat dads, aired by CNN, indicates that $100 billion a year was owed in unpaid child support. Taxpayers pick up the tab for nearly half that amount in the form of non-reimbursed welfare. Mothers comprise 82 percent of the custodial parents in broken home situations. Child support payments represent 45 percent of their income. Single mothers with multiple kids rely mostly on welfare for total income.

Recent studies show that 1.6 million babies are born to unwed mothers every year. Among blacks, 73 percent of new babies have no father at home, leaving mothers to bear the burden. For Asians, 17 percent; Whites, 29 percent.

It’s not only about financial support. Spin-off problems can be worse. Sure, it’s important to clothe and feed children, but needs go beyond physical welfare. It is equally important to develop kids into well-adjusted youths who do not turn to the streets for negative love and attention outside the home.

child abuseAye, there’s the rub, the unseen, unmeasured consequence of dysfunctional or abusive parenting, or no parenting at all. Psychological damage to children can ultimately cost taxpayers far more than child support checks, particularly after kids reach puberty and engage in behaviors that land them in jails, rehab centers or county morgues. Meanwhile, taxpayers must bear the costs of fighting crime and trauma, not only within the justice system, but in emergency rooms, property loss, physical loss, lost wages, victimization costs and more.

johnson-amendmentWhat kids from broken families seek out in the streets is what they often don’t get at home: acceptance, attention, guidance and feeling important. Thus, the substitutes. Boys enter gangs. Girls sell bodies. Kids use drugs — to belong. Any mention of morality is laughable. And we pay for it all.

Street gangs are replete with stories about mothers who had multiple kids from miscellaneous fathers who never felt the need to be part of their children’s lives. The mothers get all the help possible from Uncle Sam. Moms are better off staying unmarried because the government is a sure thing, the dads are not. It’s a vicious cycle.

When you hear about aberrant teens, violence and gangs, remember that most of these kids never had a chance from the moment they were born. Many were born of dysfunctional teens themselves, grossly unprepared for motherhood. They never learned how to parent because their parents were just as dysfunctional.

The Great Society of President Lyndon Johnson, it seems, has backfired. It was all about expanding welfare. From 1965 to 2008, according to Forbes, $16 trillion had been appropriated for welfare programs for the poor. That’s increased another $2 trillion since. Johnson may have meant to eliminate poverty, but it created a dependent society instead. When Johnson was president, more than 75 percent of black babies were born with fathers in the family. Dads stayed home to help raise kids. Not today.

Meanwhile, we continue to hear the same old drumbeat about the need for government to spread the wealth and take care of the poor. Seems that hasn’t worked very well.

I guess we must be insane.


The Issue of Legal Consent

roaring matriarchMen aren’t perfect. That’s for sure. Recent times have proved that women are no better. Goddesses of windfall have received a free ride on the legal gravy train in the USA for far too long. Now, this system of abusive law threatens all parents, male and female. Never mind that the sociopathic matriarch of the past has been coddled and fussed over for many decades because of “deadbeat dads.” This perceived situation has worked well to the mutual empowerment of corporate government, as the resources of non-custodial parents are repeatedly ransacked, whether they are capable of paying or not. Corporate government has been only to happy to reimburse itself with all the free money through endless financial authority. State governments are also notorious for withholding money from the very children they proclaim to help. In many cases, this is because the state has already helped to support the children and the mothers that bore them through government vehicles like welfare and medicaid programs. In the view of the state, they are simply recouping the corporate investment that has been mandated by the federal government.

The sins of the system are many. When income changes for any reason, in the good old USA the child support doesn’t. Impoverished and unemployed non-custodial parents must hire an attorney. Child support is never retroactive, except to the detriment of the oppressed. Most judges see to that. In the meantime, many matriarchal sociopaths are relentless in their pursuit for cold hard cash through legal oppression. Family attorneys are only to happy to oblige, as legal costs are “passed on” to the father, whether they can pay or even if payment is never received. Their former husbands and boyfriends will pay, never mind if the money ever exists or could be earned. These women have been taught that they bear no responsibility. They are free to act any way they please, including chasing the emasculated males out of their lives. The state will care for their children no matter what. When you live in the ‘United States,’ Uncle Sam is the sugar daddy, even if a terrible one. The children will be supported, whether right or wrong, now with men as the usual target for renumeration. This isn’t entirely the case because there are plenty of women that won’t be bothered with their children because they would rather have another kind of life. Now, the nation is full of ‘deadbeat moms.’ Never mind the ‘deadbeat moms’ that continually abuse and misdirect their children to make themselves look good and dad look bad. Meanwhile, during all the family drama, the federal government has deeded itself total control over all financial transactions. It has the power to undo every American citizen to fulfill the interests of politics. This power endangers every parent, even every person that works for a living in the nation.

Technically, parents have been emasculated in this age, through the power of the corporate state. In this new empire, the fascist state owns the children while pretending that you do. For when you refer to enacted law, emotions and idealism don’t apply. A heartless corporation executes these laws as morals, ethics, and values go out the window.

the corporate unca sam has youCourts do not offer judgment, only legal opinion. The justices of the Supreme Court offer nothing but opinion, which then becomes public policy. The BAR association copyrights these opinions which is misleadingly labeled as the ‘law.’ In the United States, the people have increasingly been victims of legal precedence for nearly 8 decades. Common law is increasingly the rarity rather than the norm. Old grandad used to gloat that possession is nine-tenths of the law. That idea has passed on, along with old granddad! In civil law, you are guilty before being proved innocent, even though the creators of Perry Mason would have you believe otherwise.

The side effect of being a consenting citizen of the United States corporation is that all statutes are applied to you with what the U.S. code calls Prima Facie law. This law derives its authority from assumed consent and more often than not, your ignorance. All branches of government operate under law, meaning that the consent of the governed is automatically assumed in all legal matters and decisions based on court opinion. This view impacts all contracts. After all, what in today’s age isn’t a contract of some nature?

Marriage is a civil contract to which there are three parties- the husband, the wife and the state. That is the perception of the law which you have agreed to through your marriage license. From that time, the state is continually involved in your relationship, a silent ‘partner’ in all of your affairs. This is very basis of the criminal racket known as the dreaded ‘Child Protective Services,’ which claims overarching authority from ‘Health And Human Services’ as it legally kidnaps your children in their ‘best interest’ as it sees fit.

Authority is delegated through ‘parens patriae,’ literally ‘parent of the country’ which refer to the role of the state as sovereign and guardian of persons under legal disability.

Pursuant to the parens patriae doctrine, ‘the primary control and custody of infants is with the government, to be delegated, as of course, to their natural guardians and protectors, so long as such guardians are suitable persons to exercise it.’ – Columbia University

“In other words, the state is the father and mother of the child and the natural parents are not entitled to custody, except upon the state’s beneficent recognition that natural parents presumably will be the best of its citizens to delegate its custodial powers… ‘The law devolves the custody of infant children upon their parents, not so much upon the ground of natural right in the latter, as because the interests of the children, and the good of the public, will, as a general rule, be thereby promoted.'” (Chandler v. Whatley, 238 Ala. 206, 208, 189 So. 751, 753 (1939) quoting Striplin v. Ware, 36 Ala. at 89; Ex parte Wright, 225 Ala. 220, 222, 142 So. 672, 674 (1932). See also Fletcher v. Preston, 226 Ala. 665, 148 So. 137 (1933); and Striplin v. Ware, 36 Ala. 87 (1860).

What about your Constitutional rights? They’ve already taken care of that:

“But, indeed, no private person has a right to complain, by suit in court, on the ground of a breach of the Constitution. The Constitution it is true, is a compact, but he is not a party to it.“ (Padelford, Fay & Co., vs. Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah 14 Ga. 438, 520)

I am a man

The Supreme Court has transliterated the word “supreme” to mean that these seven appointed justices that pass legal opinion on masses of ‘consenting’ citizens are more supreme than God in an indestructible government.  These justices are not voted into these positions of power in any way by the people, but are appointed by the President of the United States as the head of a government corporation. These self-imposed deities clearly state here that they are the law of the land, and that “the natural consequence of citizenship” is for the people to be under their supreme opinion.

Your only option is to disagree, which means you must NOT consent. This is not an easy road to take as you are boxed in on all sides. Learning how to NOT CONSENT is what the United States was originally built on, but this is no longer the case, since the Constitution is a dead document, rendered inoperative through the invention of legal precedence in the 1930’s. This ‘legal bullying’ may well be the case throughout the rest of the Roman Empire. As the national news is so fond of saying: “desperate times call for desperate measures.” The beginning? Just say no!

Unconstitutional Criminalization Oppresses Parents

One of the most oppressive and downright illegal developments in modern society is the criminalization of parents for debt. In many cases, this debt cannot be legally substantiated, especially considering that the Bradley Amendment is unconstitutional on multiple counts. Compare this to the reaction of the Federal government against the State of Arizona with illegal immigration law, an attempt to remedy a blight on the nation. Clearly, the schizophrenic Feds do not see the reality of situation as they demand complete control over States and States Rights for their own distorted agenda.

It is noted by the media that parents who can’t afford to pay arrears are not charged with a crime. How this criteria is actually met remains a mystery since the debt continues to skyrocket, regardless of the physical condition of the NCP. In the case that the hapless soul actually recovers from life threatening disability or accident, he or she is due to be criminalized if they don’t move fast enough to satisfy “authorities.”

The NCP is unable to change the debt amount when recession or job loss hits, resulting in unavoidable debt because of an unresponsive court system that could care less. The nation is full of parents that face chronic unemployment. Who can afford legal services when they are living on unemployment benefits or on the street? Scarcely one, most would know. Most non-custodial parents have been reduced to slave labor and the wages that go along with it. They are beggars reduced to pawns of society.

The damage inflicted on the American family is impossible to calculate.  Meanwhile, Obama and the Federal government continued to advertise this “Father’s Day” that dads must give their due; that this is only the human thing to do. They completely discount the insurmountable oppression and the specter of a new type of debtors’ prison, bringing back an immoral and condemned European commodity of the past. What is worse is that this “child debt” cannot be eradicated by legitimate bankruptcy.  Despite the latest “Father’s Day” propaganda, most unemployed divorced dads have been reduced to little or nothing, with the same support orders and a never-ending “can-do” attitude required.

To make matters worse in support of Federal Bradley Law, many states and municipalities make a charge of criminal nonsupport. In  Ohio, the perception of non-support is a fifth-degree felony with a maximum sentence of a year in prison. Many custodial parent sociopaths and cooperative community leaders angrily and eagerly ply their vengeance as they parade mug shots and seek to hunt down divorced parents, usually men, in the style of 1984 or Farenheit 451. Yes, America is now the stuff of science fiction authors. America has become a truly lawless nation, with laws that don’t even support the humanism that “we” claim to proclaim. America has become a land of oppression that violates the Constitution, while the Feds go after States that attempt to follow the nation’s founding documents as they seek to solve problems that the Feds won’t deal with.

Lack of financial support from absent parents can be devastating to the health and well-being of these children,” says prosecutor Bill Mason. He doesn’t consider that men cannot see their children, much less support them. Because of this financial and spiritual blight cast upon the nation by a mindlessly hateful and feminist court system, mothers have been encouraged to dump fathers when the going gets tough so that they can depend on “Uncle Sam.” Custodial parents are then imprisoned by the same problems in raising children that non-custodial parents have: the lack of finances. The reality is that nothing has changed except that a whole segment of America now depends on government to survive. Meanwhile, parents still struggle to raise decent “law-abiding” children in a land of the ruling hand that lacks any semblance of love or decency. The nation of politics has all these matters summed up in one nice ball of responsibility focused on fathers. You don’t hear any sage advice about responsibility being dispensed to mothers. This is assumed even though mothers are not always “all that.”

Slavery, in itself is nothing new. In fact, this nation was founded on it. We still seek slaves to command. If not illegals to serve our needs, then non-custodial parents. The nation would rather look the other way. This evil against American citizens continues unabated during the worst “recession” of decades, while untold millions continue to bite the dust, impoverished by crushing and immoral debt.


Where is the Family Rights Agenda in Politics?

by E. Manning, senior writer, family rights advocate and retired economist

If you are an independent thinker that wants change, you might just want to love Barack Obama. Unfortunately, the Democratic party platform that he stands on is not a platform that is good for the family or its continued cohesion in any way. His experience with his own father blends with that of the Democratic platform. The platform deals with the profound legend of “mommyhood”: where any mom can and should do it all. Further, if mommy can’t manage for any reason, Uncle Sammy is right there with cash and assistance. After all, it takes a village to raise a child, does it not? If you don’t have a village to support you, Uncle Sammy certainly will. No effort is made at the promotion of the tired subject of “Republican” family values or the rights of the American family as a whole. The platform is all about the promotion of children’s rights and the rights of single parents, which usually happens to be the mother.

where are family rights?

where are family rights?

The reality is that this circumstance is more by design than by circumstance. When unhappy women, feminists and complicit Democratic politicians brought the initial round of federal welfare reform into play in the 1980’s, men were generally promoted as the bane and single cause of conflict and pain in the American family. Anyone that has a lick of sense in their head certainly knows that a women has a significant responsibility for the plight of her family along with the success of that family. This wasn’t on the minds of most women thirty years ago and most of America was conned into believing the clever lie along with the solution that never had a hope to work beyond empowering politicians and big government.

Now the Democratic National Convention is ready with a fine program for economic and social renewal. Unfortunately, men have been left out of the mix or at least in a positive sense. The platform’s agenda puts all blame for father absence squarely on men, while promising to “crack down” on fathers who are behind on their child support. It also promises to ratchet up draconian domestic violence laws which often victimize innocent men and separate them from their children. Nothing has changed from thirty years ago, much less since the Clinton Administration, which forced much of the Bradley Amendment upon the nation.

Not a mention about family values on the religious front.

not a mention about family values on the religious front.

Research proves that the vast majority of divorces, as well as many break-ups of unmarried couples, are initiated by women, not by men, and that most of these do not involve serious male conduct of any kind. When a married or cohabiting couple splits up, the father is generally relegated to guest visitor status, participating in his children’s lives only if mommy allows it. Courts tilt heavily towards mothers in awarding custody, while enforcing fathers’ visitation rights indifferently.

Democrats claim that we will gain billions of dollars in revenue by taxing the “windfall profits” of oil companies just like Ronald Reagan did back in the 1980s. That debacle didn’t work causing the loss of revenue rather than revenue gains. Similarly, the DNC promotes the illusion that cracking down on child support will create a windfall for single mothers and the ever-needy children of America. That myth hasn’t worked since this inception of Democratic legislation that Senator Bradley and his cohorts initiated so long ago, supposedly without any hope of success.

66 percent of parents behind on child support nationwide earn poverty-level wages. Less than four percent of the national child support debt is owed by parents earning $40,000 or more a year. Starry-eyed politicians eye big income earners with the idea of promoting their cause as payback for rich, snotty and abusive fathers that could care less about their poor children. The promotion is all about inciting prejudice against fathers and men in general to promote a political cause and a monetary system.

domestic violence emphasis

domestic violence emphasis

The Democratic National Convention platform pledges to “strengthen domestic violence laws,” support the Violence Against Women Act, and increase funding for domestic violence programs. This writer says that this is a pander to the increasing number of single women with children, an act that is wholly unnecessary.

Society justly despises a wife-beater and child-abuser. This family policy scenario has been used to justify many destructive policies regarding the family as well as civil liberties violations like the Bradley Amendment. The system has provided easy ways for disgruntled women to kick decent, loving fathers out of their homes, exclude them from their children’s lives and work them over financially in the name of just law and individual rights for children and single parents.

The American family is in real danger from the very politics that claim to protect the rights of the individual. Unfortunately, men are not protected by federal law and are seen only as surrogate money bags for the system. Moms often design to milk the system for everything it is worth because they are entitled to it. The world owes the disgruntled for their displeasure. The rights of the family to exist or the promotion of the simple act to simply get along in harmony isn’t discussed or encouraged. Morality isn’t the job of the State and yet politicians claim higher moral ground. The Democratic Party line has obligated itself to family policies that don’t work and never did in the name of “feel-good individual rights” that violate Constitutional rights for millions of hard-working and now disadvantaged Americans. This is troubling. Republicans have simply stood by or endorsed the same politics. In the land of family law, politicians have generally proved themselves to be the of the same stripe. This is no less troubling.

right with a wrong

right with a wrong

You can’t make a right with a wrong and certainly few politicians have taken anti-family policies to task. The crisis in the family is the perfect opportunity for an election issue, but perhaps an issue that politicians feel is too hot to handle on the front lines. Republicans continue to address the same old family values politics without addressing the damage done by unconstitutional and abusive political policy and law. Politicians would do well to figure out that righting a wrong with a wrong is worse than bad politics before summarily promoting the same old policies that dismantle the American family in favor of political empowerment. Somewhere, somehow, a day of reckoning is in the mix.

~ E. Manning